Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Pets in Dreamland

The Dreamland Creations in Stroudsburg, PA held an Artists’ Reception on Sunday May 2nd featuring a multitude of artists sharing their visions for their exhibition titled, “The Pets Show.” The variety of approaches to the subject was quite astounding as they ranged from loving tribute to a late dog, cat, or other animal to a fantasized relationship with a mythical animal only living in the imagination of the artist who created it. Or, is it.

Although the works in themselves were captivating, the highlight of the event was the variety and depth of the conversations being shared. An example of this was discovered when I entered the back room looking to refill my cup of wine two musicians talking about the finer points of certain instruments and the effects they had on their songs and the audience they performed for. Much of the technical points went over my head as I’m not a musician nor have I ever been trained as such. But, the conversation entranced me nonetheless especially since I began to realize this is very typical to the atmosphere created at Dreamlands Creations.

To me, this is what an Artist Reception is all about. It’s not just looking at nice pieces a gallery hopes you’ll purchase. It’s about sharing thoughts about the arts in all its manifestations and enhancing the love we have for them through a deeper understanding of all it inspires. This exchange can be found in other galleries, but it is more pronounced in Dreamlands Creations.

Perhaps this is because their venue is quite a bit less conventional than others and therefore not set in any established pattern. Perhaps it those who are attracted to the venue whose thoughts are filled with the vibrancy of youth. Or, perhaps it’s the fact those who adorn their forms with body art (tattoos and piercing) have a way of looking at the world differently than us plain skin people do and this encourages conversations uncommon in other galleries. Regardless of the reason, it is a wonderful occurrence that is welcomed by all who love the arts and are open minded enough to be enhanced by the experience.

Those artists participating in “The Pet Show” include Jake Roth, Will Mohlenhoff, Geoff Darrow, Shane Izykowski, Marcia Flammonde, RenDi, Mary Fodness, Marty Klotz, Vince Locke, Abby Braman, Richard Harris, Jr., M J Smith, Mark Parcell, Judy Zarach, Helen Victoria, Michael Parsons, Mike Zelonis, “Skelly,” Phill Bracio, Mary McCauley, Kailei Pichottii, AnaMarie Hendricks, Myke Maldonado, Joe Mooney, Nancy Knott, Richard Spezzano, Andrea Robbins-Rimberg, John Kolbek, and Heather Magnano. The Exhibition continues until June 1st. You’ll find more photographs in The Forwardian Arts Society Dreamland Creations 2010 Gallery at

The Dreamland Creations in Stroudsburg, PA serves as a studio where individuals can adorn their forms with a variety of body art such as tattoos and piercing reaching out to the vast community of conventional and non mainstream artists throughout the area. Their next Artists’ Reception will feature a variety of artists in an exhibition titled, “The Flower Show.” The reception will take place Sunday June 6th beginning at 4pm. The Exhibition will continue until June 30th. Please Contact The Dreamland Creations at 570-421-6313 for more information.

Contact information of those mentioned in this article include The Dreamland Creations Tattoo Studios at, Wil Mohlenhoff at, Shane Izykowski at, Marcia Flammonde at, RenDi at, Abby Braman at, Richard Harris, Jr. at, Helen Victoria at, Michael Parsons at, Mary McCauley at, Myke Maldando at, Joe Mooney at, Nancy Knott at, Richard Spezzano at, Andrea Robbins-Rimberg at, and John Kolbeck at

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