The spoken folk band known as Sick Antelope Party consisting of Jesse Morales, Vid Ryan, and Amy Burawski were the first to share their talents with the gathering. Poetry and music blended together as the trio brought forth their insights designed to allow the everyday occurrences we encounter in life to be more bearable until (as they put it) the world is no longer ending. Their performance was a captivating one as evident in the expressions upon the faces of those whose conclusions of their inward searches for their own personal meanings were brought to a more attainable proximity. You can learn more about Sick Antelope Party by exploring their Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/sickantelopeparty.
A break ensued and after its conclusion Sick Antelope Party was followed on stage by a woman known as Sea Witch Plays the Death Star. Accompanied by a steel ukulele, she sang a number of songs whose entrancing modalities summoned a wakening in the subconscious through a voice that called from the wilderness of the soul. She later rendered poetry to the gathering whose syntax was enhanced by the connecting verbalizations and body movements she employed throughout her recitations. You can learn more about Sea Witch Plays the Death Star by visiting her Website at www.seawitchplaysthedeathstar.bandcamp.com.
After another break concluded, CARA CARA took the stage. She began her set encircled by a number of musicians who performed earlier that evening as if it were in their desires to form a coven from which their combined energies would be lovingly available to her until the fulfillment of their endeavors inspired a dissipation so they could take their place upon the floor to listen to her sing. The momentary nature of a number of her songs moved quickly among the audiences but the poetry in her lyrics lingered as they spoke to that small voice within them. You can learn more about CARA CARA by exploring her Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/caracaramusic.
As the enchantments of the evening moved among the gathering, The Billy Mack Collector took the stage as another break had come to its conclusion. The “Collection” consisted of Billy Mack along with those musicians and singers who happened to be present at the time he was ready to perform. The deceptively simple compositions they performed moved among the audience as they, along with the singers, contemplated the dreams embodied in each song. You can learn more about The Billy Mack Collector by exploring its Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/pages/Billy-Mack-Collector/117807174232.
The evening drew to a close as conversations filled the room with a deeper love for the esoteric understandings found in the creative forms of music and poetry. CARA CARA furthered the enchanting mood as she casually strummed and sung during the after chat. The healing balm of the evening’s offerings filled all present with an appreciation and a desire to share in entertaining delights once again in the near future. No plans had been drawn up to do so as of yet, but the hope that an announcement to this effect would be made soon was prevalent. In the meantime, you’ll be able to find more photographs taken during the Tuesday May 6th concert featuring Sick Antelope Party, Sea Witch Plays the Death Star, CARA CARA, and The Billy Mack Collector in The Indulgent Apothecary 2014 Gallery at www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152410312420421.1073741896.636000420&type=1.
The Indulgent Apothecary is located in Stroudsburg, PA. Besides presenting concerts to the public, they offer an inventory revolving around holistic health and well-being which includes a full line of herbs, crystals, and handmade personal care products. You can learn more about The Indulgent Apothecary by exploring their Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/TheIndulgentApothecary.
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