Sunday, May 25, 2014

A Shutter Opens The Dutot

In the 20 years since the digital age has touched every art form from music to image making, it has become a challenge to remember how creative endeavors were accomplished prior to the time the technology was introduced to their processes. Although digital photography has come with the many blessings of convenience and accessibility, the use of film provides the photographer, who is deft in its usage, with a variety of nuanced abilities that adds more texture to the images he/she captures in his/her camera. These abilities were amply demonstrated during the Artist’s Reception that was held for David Plank at The Antoine Dutot Museum and Gallery in Delaware Water Gap, PA on Friday May 23rd.

Upon entering the gallery, one is immediately struck by the highly defined images presented throughout the room. The crisp colors found in the Mr. Plank’s work draws the viewer deep into their hues while the details of the images makes them touchable if not for the realization the objects presented in the4 photographs are two dimensional depictions. The quality of the work is uncanny as the subjects of the photographs range from industrial structures and designs (especially those created to appear as covers for trade publications) to those capturing the soft, gentle essence of flowers.

Although the reception marked the beginning of The Antoine Dutot Museum and Gallery’s 2014 Season, the inclement weather which was predominant throughout the day as well as the activities surrounding the US Memorial Day Weekend led to a very modest attendance. However, for the happy few who had the good fortune to experience the work, a great deal of conversation that was inspired by the splendor of the exhibit was shared. You’ll find more photographs taken during the Reception in The Dutot 2014 Gallery at

David Plank’s 20 years as a commercial photographer earned him a number of awards for his work as he strived to bring art to industry. With his background in science and art providing a wealth of memorable experiences, Mr. Plank returns to his childhood passions during his retirement years by sharing his aesthetic accomplishments he had collected since the age of 8 with the public through a gallery setting. You can learn more about David Plank and his work by exploring his Website at

The Antoine Dutot Museum and Gallery originated as a brick school house built c. 1850 by Antoine Dutot who founded the town of Dutotsville before it was renamed to Delaware Water Gap, PA. In addition to the exhibitions presented at the gallery, the museum offers tours and educational opportunities for those who would like to learn more about the area. The current exhibition featuring the work of David Plank will be on display at the gallery until June 8th. Their next exhibition will be The Riv11 - The Delaware River - A Big Picture exhibition featuring the work of numerous artists exploring all aspects related to the Delaware River and it’s surrounding areas with an Artists’ Reception scheduled to be held on Friday June 13th and will continue to be displayed until June 29th. Please Explore The Antoine Dutot Museum and Gallery Facebook Page at for more information.

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