As revealed by Rev. Whited, the images of these beings and structures can be seen in cloud formations which changes in “response to our conscious thoughts” and those photographic images most commonly attributed to camera lens glare and lighting effects reflecting off of water droplets or dust particles. It was further revealed during the lecture the images captured are unique to the individual who operates the camera and the technique they employ to photograph the objects. Rev. Whited’s technique, which was adopted upon after a suggestion was made by her spiritual guide, is to allow herself to fall backwards and to take the picture while doing so. This photographic method allows a certain degree of blur to take place allowing the images of the 5th dimensional denizens (none of which was Marilyn McCoo) to be seen more distinctly.
The lecture was an enjoyable one and it generated a great deal of questions and comments from the modest number of attendees whose faith based experiences were validated by the content of the lecture and the supportive photographic evidence presented by Rev. Whited. There was a great deal of camaraderie in the like minded gathering who sought to share their attuned spiritual perceptions with one another in a loving and non judgmental manner. You’ll be able to find more photographs taken during the lecture in The Special Events 2013 Gallery at www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151866787260421.636000420&type=3.
The Circle of Intention School of Intuitive Sciences is located in High Bridge, NJ offering classes, workshops, and field trips in all areas of spiritual development while constantly affirming to the universe a desire to #gain “Gentle Healing for The Planet and Peace and Harmony for All.” The facility is headed by Rev. Christina Lynn Whited who is well known for her expertise in Animal Mysticism, Past Lives, Ghosts, Energy Healing, Inter-Dimensional Photography, and Dowsing upon which she has spoken at national conventions, libraries, to community groups, and has shared her knowledge in Adult Education venues. Their next event will be an opportunity to partake in some Inter-Dimensional Photography at The Falls in High Bridge, NJ on Saturday December 21st. You can learn more about The Circle of Intention School of Intuitive Sciences and its offerings by exploring their Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/pages/Circle-Of-Intention/142664785759815.
In addition to hosting events such as the “Photos from the Fifth Dimension” lecture given by Rev. Christina Lynn Whited, The Pocono Community Theater and Cultural Center in East Stroudsburg, PA presents a number of films and culturally enriching events throughout the year. These include a Exhibitions featuring the work of Tim Weaver and Shirley Epstein which is currently on display and will remain so until January 5th along with screenings of the films “It‘s A Wonderful Life” on Sunday December 15th, “White Christmas” on Sunday December 22nd, and “Die Hard” on Sunday December 29th as part of their Holiday Film Revival Series. Please Explore The Pocono Community Theater Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/PoconoCommunityTheater?ref=ts&fref=ts for more information.
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