Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Dead Things Kick… Well, You know

The Main Street Jukebox in Stroudsburg, PA held an Artist’s Reception on Saturday September 3rd for an exhibition titled, “Dead Things and Women” featuring the Art of Victoria Penna. If the title of the exhibit wasn’t enough to catch your attention, the work displayed upon the Jukebox’s walls certainly did. They ranged from deceptively simple drawings sprawled out on huge sheets of paper to portraits of intriguing characters who one may wish to avoid due to their apparent creepiness. But then, they could be related to us.

And, like a creepy uncle, many of the images presented in the exhibition lures one in so they can have their way with you. Ms. Penna’s work may or may not lead one to the need for therapy after one’s encounter, but a journey to some inner dimension of the mind is certain to take place. The images on the wall served as signposts but there were also prints, flipbooks, mini books, mini comics, stickers, and other extensions of Ms. Penna’s creativity to provide some additional landmarks to guide your way. That is, if one dares to disembark from their comfortable abode of mediocrity in the first place.

Those who are brave enough to venture forth on the journey Ms. Penna entreats one to partake, won’t find any hint of mediocrity anywhere. What they will find are images that reflect we create but wish not to gaze upon due the discomfort they cause us. Ms. Penna opens the cupboards we hide our creations in and we are forced to see them in all their splendor. Sometimes this revelation can be liberating as we realize the monsters we manifest aren’t monsters at all and are really a part of us we need to embrace a bit more endearingly. However, there are times when looking into the depth of our own abysses pulls us down into them and we become lost in the labyrinth of madness. The doors to enlightenment and insanity are never clearly marked, but a great adventure often awaits one who courageously turns the knob.

The music presented during the Reception was well matched to the themes and implications the work. The collection of musicians that performed tumbled through their songs grabbing everyone by their throats as their voices and instruments kicked some big time ass. Singer/songwriter Ritchie Murder was the first to reach out with his music and to lift his boots which found their mark before most knew what hit them. He was joined for a few selections by Lucy Fuur which led some to think would bring a softer tone to the set, but it was soon learned she could kick as hard if not harder even though she’s not aiming as an ass. They were followed by what many were certain would be a more mellow band as they are well know as a Christian Rock band. But, those who have heard LeasT Likely perform know they have a way of making their listeners enjoy turning the other cheek as it means they’ll be slapped with more of their hard hitting music whose non preachy Christian messages make more meaningful. They were followed by Rob Carlton and his band who miraculously managed to rip the slight remnants of the souls that were left to the listeners after the previous performances and tied them up in a bow in order to give them back without the pretensions a societal induced morality inflicts upon the masses. The music was raw, it was hard, but it was real.

The combination of the music, art, and conversation made the “Dead Things and Women” Reception a great end of a fantastic day which happened to be the day Stroudfest 2011 was celebrated. It was a lot of fun. You’ll be able to find photographs I took during the festival in Stroudfest 2011 Gallery at However, you’ll find more photographs I took during the “Dead Things and Women” Reception in the Main Street Jukebox 2011 Gallery at

In addition to the Art Exhibitions held at The Main Street Jukebox, they offer recordings made on CDs, Tapes, and Vinyl. The “Dead Things and Women” exhibition featuring the Art of Victoria Penna continues until September 30th with the artist featured in the October exhibition yet to be announced. Please Explore The Main St. Jukebox Website at or call 570-424-2246 for more information about these events and all they have to offer.

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