The music prove4d to be a lively mixture blues and jazz with some unique renditions of some popular songs. These included The Beatles’ “Come Together.” It was a wild night and a joy to experience as the summer night progressed.
A modest crowd gathered upon the PCOM* lawn which included Arline M. Smeltz*, Dan Dunn* of The Pocono Community Theater*, Cyndie Dutkiewicz*, Sheila Stratton* of SheilaMark Productions*, Krissy Bender*, Jim Pallitto*, Gary Lambert*, and John Weiss* along with Pastor Karen Nickels* of The PCOM*.
The Next performance in The Presbyterian Church on the Mountain (PCOM)* Gazebo Concert Series will be 3 Spirit (aka Girl Talk) featuring Nancy Reed*, Vicky Doney*, and Valerie Hawk on Sunday July 26th beginning at 6pm featuring Please Contact Bonnie Childs* at 570-992-3934 for more information.
Here are links and contact information to those I mentioned in this article for you to explore. Spencer and Nancy Reed* www.reedmusic.com, Vicky Doney* www.myspace.com/vickidoney, Mark Hamza* www.markhamza.com, Jill Goodwin* www.myspace.com/jazzmusicbaby , The Pocono Community Theater* www.poconocommunitytheater.org, SheilaMark Productions* www.SheilaMarkProductions.com, and The Presbyterian Church on the Mountain (PCOM)* www.churchofthemountain.org.
You’ll find more photographs in The Forwardian Arts Society The PCOM Gazebo Concert Series 2009 Gallery. www.myspace.com/forwardian_arts.
(*) denotes members of The Forwardian Arts Society in good standing and are considered Our Good Friends.
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