Monday, June 29, 2009

DWG Founder’s Day 2009

The town of Delaware Water Gap (DWG), PA Celebrated Founder's Day on Saturday June 27th. The warm, gentle day provided a welcomed respite from the hustle and bustle found in larger populated areas and more attended events. Yet, the lack of crowds moving about added to its charm as most people who are drawn to The Delaware Water Gap are pleased to find.

The town was established in the 1700’s by a Frenchman named Antoine Dutot and was once named, “Dutotsville” before a change was decided upon. No one I’ve ever spoke to could tell me why the change was made, but it’s origins may explain the unique feel of Delaware Water Gap. From its architecture to its prominence in the Jazz community, it is small wonder many has referred to the town as “The New Orleans of the Poconos.”

Events joining in the town’s founding included a car show while artists and artisans shared their talent throughout the town. These included music performed by Jazz pianist David Lantz III* while numerous displays were presented by Artist Arlene Hertz-Conklin 1-570-992-4244, Ellen Jamioklowski, and Marie L. Gelsomino*, along with Margaret L. Benson* of Clay on Wheel, Roxanne Sagala* of Barley Rose Natural Bodycare, Tari Zarka of Aspiring Artists of the Earth, and Christine M. Griffen* of The Shawnee Gallery In addition to these wonderful artists and artisans, some wonderful photography was on display by Alex Pietersen and Kate Hughes of Intoxikate Photos

Please Explore The Delaware Water Gap (DWG), PA website for more information about the town and all it has to offer.

You’ll find more photograph at The Forwardian Arts Society DWG Founder’s Day 2009 Gallery.

(*) denotes members of The Forwardian Arts Society in good standing and are considered Our Good Friends.

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