Thursday, February 01, 2007

Poem: Sweet Sachet by Alice Rodgers © 8/01

We are all mothers’ children as we saunter through the valley
Holding candles burning bright…
We are a choir…quite like angels channeling
Through the night

Our divination is to seek understanding
And maybe plea to those in pain
Our paths seem…like forever…
As clouds dance with the rain…

Sweet sachet…it is filled with love for you
With jasmine as my broach
My robe - it sways like wind struck lilies
Dark nights…dark light…turns bright upon approach---

Tie me with a binding band
Tie me with a binding band
Do protect my mothers love
Trace me and lace me

Pending stars, a surrounding of heaven
And Jupiter is within hands reach of me…
Returning to ground these sprinkled seeds
As harvest sheds the forbidden weeds…

Sweet sachet … still is filled with love for you
With jasmine as my broach…
Trace me and lace me

Tie me with a binding band
Hold me in your guiding hand
Tie me with a binding band…

Do protect my mothers love
Sweet sachet---sweet sweet sachet

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